Monday, December 31, 2007

Selling Unwanted Items

A great way to move with less is to hold a yard sale. Selling unwanted items provides additional cash you can put toward your move and other bills. When you get ready to start packing, place items into three piles: stuff you are taking with you, stuff to throw away or donate, and stuff to sell.

Depending on the time of year you plan on moving, weekends are the best time to hold a yard sale. If moving during the summertime, plan your yard sale in the morning hours when it is not as hot. There will be many people out looking for a bargain between the hours of 9am and Noon. Items you don't sell can be sold the following weekend or they can be donated to local charities.

In addition earning some extra cash from a yard sale, you can also ask for a receipt for any items you donated and earn tax credits.

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